September 2022

I feel that spring is in the air but temperature-wise it’s still winter – very grateful for fresh greens on a cold day
A few chores during the winter season: taking care of overwintering tomato cuttings, organising saved seeds, a few harvests and transplanting self-seeded lettuce and spinach
Homemade noodles with our fresh or stored veggies
Family outing today
Cozy winter time, first asparagus spears shooting
Monday morning
Winter harvest, sweet dumplings with homemade plumbutter
Harvests in the second half of April
Trying to make to most of the lovely evenings lately
Cooking with the last summer crops, sourdough bread and trying new recipes: Dutch pancake, homemade Udon noodles
Leon had a fund afternoon with his aunty
Summer crops are coming to an end and days are much shorter now. Still lots to do, but at a slower pace
Some nice days in the veggie garden before the strong weather hit us
Harvest early to mid May – I moved one cucumber plant in the kid’s playroom, the courgettes don’t seem to be bothered by the dropping temperatures yet
Last , beans and zucchinis finished and space will be occupied by lettuces and spinach. Tomato cuttings are overwintering on the windowsill
Strike a pose!
Late summer abundance – we’ve started canning tomatoes
He really loves digging up beaches
Picked broccoli, beans, courgettes and tomatoes for a delicious vegetarian paella the other day, also strawberries for dessert. So far quite happy with the freshly painted window frames in the kitchen – makes everything looking neat amidst the daily chaos
Preserving the taste of summer with our pressure canner
Dancing in the moonlight
Happy little helpers
Plenty to harvest almost every day: last peas, berries, potatoes, courgettes, carrots, leeks, beans, broccoli sideshoots, lettuce, beetroot and a beautiful cabbage
Happy weekend