April 2022

Strike a pose!

Windback to last weekend when we still had summer ☀️
Grapes are done now, strawberries are going to finish soon. Tomatoes, zucchinis and green beans still cropping
First autumn cabbages (sideshoots from main heads that were cut in December), and Spaghetti Squash that hasn’t succumbed to powdery mildew
Not my own words but perfectly resonates with me:
Preserving food is a discipline. It takes discipline to do the work of growing food, harvesting it, and preserving it.
It takes planning and sacrifice. When the tomatoes are ripe, they’re ripe. When it’s time to pick beans, it’s time. Ripe food waits for no one.
I no longer travel in summer because frankly, it’s impossible.
I’ve learned to keep my summer calendar open for harvesting and processing.
It’s worth it! Every time I pop open a jar of home-grown, home-canned tomatoes or beans or pickles, I’m grateful.
Grateful for the chance to know this kind of life. Grateful for the discipline it teaches me. Grateful to raise my family this way and grateful for good clean food
Harvests mid April, pickled red onions, cabbage sideshoots grown after the main head was cut last summer


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