March 2022

Late summer abundance – we’ve started canning tomatoes 😊

He really loves digging up beaches 😅

Picked broccoli, beans, courgettes and tomatoes for a delicious vegetarian paella the other day, also strawberries for dessert. So far quite happy with the freshly painted window frames in the kitchen – makes everything looking neat amidst the daily chaos 😅

Preserving the taste of summer with our pressure canner

Dancing in the moonlight

Harvesting tomatoes, strawberries, grapes and beans almost every day, but if you look closely, there are up to 14 different varieties of crops on the pictures.
I threw that single artichoke into a paella with other fresh ingredients and worked on the „soccarat “ – a nicely caramelised crust.
Green beans, late artichokes and tomatoes – the taste of summer – beautiful in Paella and as confit tomatoes with herbs and calendula flower petals.
Very happy with our portable pizza oven 🍕
My little helper in action – Mila was excited about her fruit and flower basket 🤩

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