Bali: The Balicamp Photos
One Wave
Kudungu, Bali last Friday. I had to stop abruptly, otherwise I would have ended up in a nasty shore break.
Kudungu, Bali letzten Freitag. Ich musste abrupt abbrechen, sonst wäre ich in einem ziemlich fiesen shore break geendet.
Colourful BALI
My colours of Bali – Cheers, Natalie
When the reef „Old Man“ kisses the surfer girl / Unsanfte Begegnung mit dem Riff
Old Man´s , Arthur´s wipeout
Surfing Old Man´s/ retail therapy (Frustshoppen)/different shades of tan/photoallergic reaction forced me to cover myself /
Yummy Food
Beach, no surf – laaaaaangweilig!
Riverton, NZ vs Old Man, Bali
Good night Invercargill
Lenticular Clouds
Goodbye Winter
Goodbye Winter, Hello Spring — : Fiordland-Nationalpark
San Francisco
San Francisco
Natalie was on conference leave in San Francisco / it was an amazing trip with heaps of fun! You can watch the short video clip with our highlights: people, food, Golden Gate Bridge, Chinatown, Cable Car, Alcatraz, surfing, Muir Woods… with a happy ending back in Queenstown:
San Francisco 10 days in 100 seconds – enjoy!
Natalie war auf einer Fortbildung in San Francisco. Es war ein ueberraschend abwechslungsreicher Trip bis wie wieder gluecklich in Queenstown gelandet sind. Einige der Highlights sehr ihr in unserem kurzen Video: 10 Tage San Francisco in 100 Sekunden