Busy weekend

How to seize the day when you are not on call: Tupper Party at Jule´s place, Surfing at Oreti Beach, the first German Kaffeeklatsch at my place and… at least I´ve tried to lead a healthy lifestyle…
Wenn ich nicht on call bin will ich das Beste aus meinem freien Wochenende machen: Tupper Party bei Jule, Surfen am Hausstrand, der erste deutsche Kaffeeklatsch bei mir zu Hause und… zumindest hab ich versucht ein bißchen gesund zu leben ; )

Tupper Party at Jule´s place – so much fun!
Tupper02  Tupper01
Nice waves and empty line-up at Oreti Beach

Oreti01 Oreti02 Oreti03

The Soutland´s German Kaffeeklatsch was at my place for the first time – the cakes were amazing and…pretty German : )

Coffee01 Coffee05

Kids playing with LEGO. Jule gave me a delicious bread

Coffee04 Coffee03Coffee07



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